Saturday, November 5, 2011

Brain Explosion


First:  I "self injured" early this morning (per twitter)..........GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Again, my brain exploded to the point of Youtube freaking out at my latest creation and telling me the file was too large.  I realized that I may be able to cram a whole life story in a therapy session, not a VLOG.  I am super, super excited about my newest creation and with an expected rocky start I believe that this is the beginning of what should be discussed.  I have watched about 35 VLOGS in the past few days on mental illness (to learn) and although I have nothing OUTRIGHT negative to say, I can see that the focus is different.  Most of the people are complaining.  I complain all of the time so I am not pointing the finger.  But, it is my firm belief that if we are going to get something meaningful started and I MEAN WE, US, "CRAZIES."

It is one thing to complain and that is what my idea started as today. BUT, you have to at least throw a bunch of ideas at a wall and hope one sticks.  A lot of people may like to read but I wanted to also provide substance through video...and my bitch fest was an EXACT example of how hard it is to NOT complain throughout the entire video.  I liked that I failed, I will challenge myself...something I have not done in a long time.  I know this blog seems kinda perky tonight...It's probably because I just had a good night with my hubby... 

Lastly, the point of the future VLOG project should be about me being a hot mess + all of us a mess + possible days with failures, successes, and ways to prevent things like self harm, panic attacks, etc.

We can all be fucked up mental superheroes y'all....I always wanted to start a revolution!!!!!!!

Exclusive e-mail account to my readers:  That is designated for getting to know each other, ideas (ridiculous or not), my dear friends I have already made, etc. 



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